Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brainstorming and Themes

I've been keeping a concept diary for this project, recording different ideas and sketches for the animation.

These are some scans from my diary. I started with some brain-storming of subjects which I enjoy and came up with different project idea's, listing the different options within them and seeing whether or not different parts could link together. I decided that I would go with the memories idea and from that I came up with childhood memories.
The next part was exploring the theme, and what aspects of childhood I should concentrate on, such as memories, dreams, fantasy, growing up, etc. I looked up the meaning of each theme, what might be associated with it, and looked through different books to research them.
From the fantasy theme, I listed different stories that I had read as a child and wrote down bullet points of different aspects of them which I remembered. One story was separated with colour which led me to think that I could separate scenes with something in between linking them together which would allow me to use random sequences of memories.

These are some sketches of different settings and objects I was thinking could link the scenes together. The one I decided would work best was the locket, since they are used too keep treasured memories.

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